Whether it's knee, hip, shoulder or other orthopedic issues, Dr. Thomas and his staff provide caring, professional care.
Are you a candidate for Joint Fluid Therapy?
You could be if:
- Your knee pain is due to osteoarthritis
- You are not getting adequate OA knee pain relief from walking and/or physical therapy
- You are also not getting adequate OA knee pain relief from pain medications, including:
-Ibuprofen (e.g. Advil)
-Acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol)
-Naproxen sodium (e.g. Aleve)
-Cox-2sNSAIDS: (Celebrex, MOBIC)
If you meet these 3 criteria, learn more here.
A life without hip or knee pain. Is that possible?
You’re the best judge of whether joint replacement is a good option for you. You may wish to consider it if:
- Medicines and topical creams no longer help relieve pain
- Pain is getting worse
- Pain interferes with daily tasks, such as bathing, dressing and climbing stairs
- You’ve given up hobbies or favorite activities because of pain
- Joint pain makes you more dependent on help from friends and family
If you answered yes to any of these, learn more here.
Have you been injured at work?
Dr. Thomas specializes in job-related injuries
- We realize the vital importance of getting the patient back to work as soon as possible.
- Working with the patient and their family allows for the best results and recovery.
- Our office also works closely with the employer and insurance company to smooth the way for the best care.
If you’re looking to recover and get back to work as quickly as possible, learn more here.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I make or reschedule an appointment?
Office visits are by appointment only. Please call 903-454-7555.
How soon an I get an appointment?
We try to schedule you for the earliest available appointment. We also take into consideration the urgency of your injury and the availability of the physician.
How long will my appointment take?
No two visits are alike. The length of your visit depends on several factors, including the complexity of your injury, the need for x-rays, whether you are receiving a shot or having an exam, etc. Your time is valuable, and we make every effort to see you in a timely manner.
Do you offer interpreter or translation services?
We have a full-time Spanish interpreter on staff. If you require an interpreter for your visit, please inform us when you make your appointment.
How do I get a copy of my medical records?
If you require a copy of your medical records, please contact our office at 903-454-7555. Please allow 48 hours for processing your request.
How can I get a refill or a new prescription?
If you require a refill on your prescription, please call 903-454-7555. We will make every effort to refill your prescription within 24 hours. IN SOME CASES, IT WILL BE NECESSARY FOR DR. THOMAS TO SEE YOU AGAIN BEFORE WE CAN REFILL A PRESCRIPTION.
What’s wrong with me? How long will I have this problem? How much will it cost? How long will I be out of work? Will it hurt?
These are all very popular (and normal) questions from our patients, and they are great questions to ask. Given that each person and problem are different, the answers will differ for each person. But, don’t worry – Dr. Thomas and his staff will do their very best to answer each and every one of your questions with an answer specifically tailored to YOU!
How do I know if I need to have surgery?
With his many years of experience, Dr. Thomas can recommend the best course of treatment for you. There are several factors that present themselves in determining when surgery is the best option. Some of the things to think about when considering if it’s time for surgery are: how badly does it hurt? Does it affect your quality of life? Can you still do the things you need and want to? Are there options other than surgery?